Maryland Criminal Justice Schools
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This page was developed to help you find the right Maryland criminal justice degree program to fit your career goals. Maryland's colleges and universities host a number of competitive criminal justice programs in such specialized areas as cybercrime, forensics, intelligence analysis, and homeland security. A growing number of schools in Maryland are offering online criminal justice degrees, including Towson University and the University of Maryland University College. Continue reading to learn more about your options and find the right program for you.
Quick Facts
*For not-for-profit colleges and universities with criminal justice degree programs.
Criminal Justice Degree Programs in Maryland
Earning your criminal justice degree in Maryland can support success throughout your career. Options for earning your degree at the associate's, bachelor's, and graduate levels are found throughout the state. A growing number of criminal justice employers are requiring college credit or showing preference towards applicants who have attended college. Although a four-year degree is not technically required to become a Maryland State Trooper, it can assist in the extremely competitive selection process. Similarly, while the Baltimore Police Department does not require that applicants have a college degree, it does give additional consideration - including pay incentives - to those who do. Earning your degree in criminal justice can also lead to greater chances at promotion.
Top-Ranked Schools with Criminal Justice Programs in Maryland
Kiplinger's Best Values in Public Colleges*
- Salisbury University (#98 in-state, #77 out-of-state)
- St. Mary's College of Maryland (#78 in-state, #61 out-of-state)
- University of Maryland-Baltimore County (#60 in-state, #53 out-of-state)
- University of Maryland-College Park (#10 in-state, #16 out-of-state)
*Institution-wide ranking.
College Factual's Best Criminal Justice & Corrections Colleges
- University of Baltimore (#74)
- Stevenson University (#93)
- Towson University (#96)
Criminal Justice Degree Schools Best Online Bachelor's Programs
- University of Maryland University College
Profiles of Well-Known Schools in Maryland
University of Baltimore: The College of Public Affairs at the University of Baltimore has both undergraduate and graduate programs in criminal justice and was the second higher education institution in the US to have both program levels certified by the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences. Upper-level bachelor students pursue their own research projects in the Advanced Criminal Justice Studies course while graduate students further build upon their expertise. The School of Criminal Justice in the College of Public Affairs has a traditional Master of Science in Criminal Justice as well as a Joint MS/JD program. Students have the luxury of choosing from an extensive database of internship opportunities within the categories of Criminal Justice, Forensic Studies (Forensic Science or Police Science), and Government and Public Policy.
University of Maryland: Students admitted to the University of Maryland's main campus in College Park have several options for earning a criminal justice degree. The Department of Criminology & Criminal Justice (CCJS) offers a Bachelor of Arts in Criminology and Criminal Justice. 36 credit hours of the degree program are devoted to courses within the major field of study. Electives include Advanced Juvenile Delinquency; Crime and Delinquency Prevention; and Contemporary Criminological Theory. The CCJS department also offers a master's and a doctoral program in criminology and criminal justice. For those looking for careers in digital crime prevention and investigation, the university's Department of Computer Science offers a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science with a specialization in cybersecurity.
Notable Alumni from Maryland Universities
- Maryland Police Commissioner Frederick H Bealefeld III - University of Maryland University College
- Montgomery County Police Chief J. Thomas Manger - University of Maryland
- Baltimore County Sheriff R. Jay Fisher - University of Baltimore
- Anne Arundel County Sheriff Ron Bateman- University of Baltimore
Police Quote: "Remember it's a job, an important job, but it should not be your whole life. Especially if you have a family. You've got decades before you retire. So pace yourself so you don't go from too eager to completely disillusioned. You want to leave the department with some of the same idealism you went in with."
Peter Moskos, former Baltimore police officer and author of Cop in the HoodMaryland Criminal Justice Careers
If you are interested in working for a city police department, the Baltimore Police offer a starting salary of $48,971 and bachelor's degree holders receive extra pay through the Baltimore PD Educational Incentive Program.5 The generous benefits package includes the opportunity for retirement after just 20 years of service. Of course, the monetary compensation is just a bonus to the intrinsic benefits of self-fulfillment and excitement. Upon hire, Maryland State Trooper recruits receive a base salary of $35,000, which increases to $46,000 after successful completion of the academy.6 The Maryland Department of Public Safety & Correctional Services is also hiring for a number of positions. In some cases, criminal justice coursework can be substituted for required on-the-job experience. Protective service professionals, which includes police officers, working in the state of Maryland earn an average annual salary of $46,860.7
During the period from 2014 to 2024, positions in a number of related fields are expected to grow. Security guard employment is expected to increase by 5%, while police officer and management positions are expected to grow by 4%.16 Positions for correctional officers are expected to grow 4% through 2024, according to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics.16
Maryland Criminal Justice Salary and Jobs
Occupation | Number Employed | Average Annual Salary |
Correctional Officers and Jailers | 7,100 | $45,520 |
First-Line Supervisors of Police and Detectives | 3,590 | $90,360 |
Detectives and Criminal Investigators | 980 | $96,410 |
Police and Sheriff's Patrol Officers | 13,790 | $61,610 |
Data from the US Bureau of Labor Statistics as of May 2015.8,9,10,11
Maryland's Criminal Justice Employment Outlook
Maryland's unemployment rate as of May 2016 was 4.5%.12 This is below the 10-year state-level peak unemployment rate of 8% in March 2010, though still above the unemployment low of 3.7% from March of 2008.12 Government-related employment is a good proxy for criminal justice jobs in Maryland. Projections Central includes the following criminal justice jobs in its estimates for Maryland through 2024:
- Police and Sheriff Patrol: 530 annual openings; 46% in these positions report completing at least some college, with 24% holding an associate's degree.13,14
- Correctional Officers: 210 annual openings; 37% in these positions report completing at least some college, with 15% holding a post-secondary certificate.13,15
- Detectives and Criminal Investigators: 30 annual openings; 37% in these positions report completing at least some college, with 21% holding an associate's degree.13,16
- Security Guards: 1,060 annual openings; 4% in these positions report completing at least some college.13,17
- Paralegals and Legal Assistants: 210 annual openings; 86% in these positions report completing at least some college, with 30% holding an associate's degree and 44% holding a bachelor's degree.13,18
Available positions are a result of growth and replacement.
The Mercatus Center, a conservative think tank, analyzed and rated each state government's long-term solvency. After an analysis of the state's budgeting process, cash/tax collection, and pensions, Maryland was ranked 41st in the nation.19 This is an indicator that new hires should keep a close eye on the state's ability to fulfill pension obligations.

Directory of Maryland Universities Offering Campus-based and Online Criminal Justice Degrees
To learn more about earning a Maryland criminal justice degree, we recommend contacting an accredited campus-based or online program to find out about pursuing an associate's, bachelor's, or master's degree in the growing field of criminal justice.
Tip: If you don't live near a campus-based school that offers a program of interest, consider an online degree or a university in an adjacent state (Pennsylvania, Delaware, Washington D.C., Virginia, and West Virginia).
Schools with Online and On-Campus Criminal Justice Programs
Note: Student Reviews are based on the experiences of a few individuals and it is unlikely that you will have similar results. Please review the "Data, Student Reviews and Other Information" section in our Terms of Use and Disclaimers.
Frederick Community College (Frederick)
Associate of Arts | Criminal Justice (transfer degree)
Associate of Arts | Emergency Management (online or on-campus)
Associate of Applied Science | Police Science
Associate of Applied Science | Cybersecurity
Certificate | Addictions Counseling
Certificate | Corrections
Certificate | Emergency Management
Letter of Recognition | Emergency Management
Student Review: "I've attended FCC for four semesters. It's a truly fantastic school. I had reservations about attending at first, but now I am happy to say that this school provides a fantastic student experience as well as an exceptional education. There are roughly 20 students per course, in my experience. The staff are experts in their respective fields; I have yet to encounter a professor that was not very knowledgeable. Most of the professors are willing to expand beyond the scope of the class in order to answer questions and provide information that I am personally interested in. I could not be happier. I enjoy the small classes, the numerous course offerings, skilled professors, and the support staff. The school also includes free tutoring sessions in the library, involving professors who work with you to assist you in the completion of papers and help in choosing a subject, or assistance in proofreading a completed paper."
Johns Hopkins University (Baltimore)
Master of Arts | Global Security Studies (online or on-campus)
Master of Science | Geospatial Intelligence (online)
Master of Science | Government Analytics (online or on-campus)
Post-Baccalaureate Certificate | Science, Technology, and International Security (online or on-campus)
Towson University (Towson)
Bachelor of Science | Sociology: Criminal Justice
Bachelor of Science | Forensic Chemistry
Master of Science | Forensic Science
Master of Science | Integrated Homeland Security Management (online)
Post-Baccalaureate Certificate | Security Assessment & Management
Program | Army ROTC
Program | Air Force ROTC
Student Review: "Towson University has a great campus. The academics are the second best in Maryland and the school is currently expanding. Since I joined the school in 2009, two new academic buildings have been built, and we now have a Commons. The life on the campus is pretty good as well. There are sports to play at the club and intramural level for those who aren't student athletes. The intramural sports can suck sometimes because they water down the way you play so no one gets hurt in some sports. There are usually 2-4 events going on around campus daily. The dorms can be a good experience depending on where you live. The old side of campus has dorms with small rooms, community bathrooms, and no heat/air conditioning. The Towers are the best place to live in my opinion. Two people in a pretty big room, air conditioning and heat, and you only share a bathroom with two other people. The best and most expensive place to live is in West Village. The buildings are newer, look better, and depending on where you live you may have a kitchen. Overall the campus is fun."
University of Maryland University College (Adelphi)
Bachelor of Science | Computer Networks and Security (online)
Bachelor of Science | Cybersecurity Management and Policy (online)
Bachelor of Science | Investigative Forensics (online)
Bachelor of Science | Public Safety Administration (online)
Bachelor of Science | Criminal Justice (online)
Master of Science | Homeland Security Management (online)
Master of Science | Information Assurance (online)
Master of Science | Criminal Justice Management (online)
Master of Science | Emergency Management (online)
Master of Science | Homeland Security Management (online)
Master of Science | Intelligence Management (online)
Master of Science | Air and Space Strategic Studies (online; for military students)
Master of Science | Army Operations and National Security (online; for military students)
Master of Science | Joint Military Strategy (online; for military students)
Master of Science | Marine Corps Operations (online; for military students)
Master of Science | Naval Operations and National Security (online; for military students)
Minor | Cybersecurity (online)
Minor | Criminal Justice (online)
Minor | Emergency Management (online)
Minor | Forensics (online)
Minor | Homeland Security (online)
Minor | Public Safety Administration (online)
Minor | Terrorism and Critical Infrastructure (online)
Certificate | Homeland Security Management (online)
Student Review "The Criminal Justice and Investigative Forensics Department at UMUC are surprisingly amazing. Everything I have learned has been completely useful for future jobs with the exception of core classes. The only thing I find that is difficult for me is not having a designated counselor to walk me through which classes I should or should not take, so before the semester starts I spend hours looking through the available options. That being said, I still feel extremely blessed that a majority of the professors are VERY supportive and there is never a question that goes unanswered. Overall, I feel confident that by the time I finish my degree I will be completely competent of the justice system and everything that comes with it, and also have the assurance of a good education behind me."
Student Review: "The Criminal Justice program was a great experience. I chose to do my degree program online and I made a great decision. I graduated from the program on May 7, 2018 with a 3.011 GPA. Not all the professors were 100 percent supportive, but majority were. The academic program was outlined to help the individual receive a favorable outcome. Each class was for 8 weeks and had to complete several assignments throughout the week. The professors provided the correct research information for the assignments. The class interactions were a bit difficult because there would be students in different areas and time zones that I had to work with. Overall, I enjoyed the experience I had with the University of Maryland University College."
Student Review: "I felt that UMUC's Criminal Justice program was pretty generic and some classes were definitely better than others. The best class was Criminal Psychology and it went into great detail about why people commit crime from a sociological viewpoint. The worst class was crime scene investigation in which some of the assignments felt extremely childish and not like a college level course. The biggest downside of the course is that it focused a lot of just the police side of criminal justice, whereas the criminal justice system is much bigger than just police work. Being strictly an online degree, some of the instructors were better than others, with about half being really good and the other half not interacting with their classes very much aside from grading assignments. UMUC has a fairly good reputation as an online school, but after my experience in this degree program I would not recommend this particular program. "
Schools with On-Campus Criminal Justice Programs Only
Note: Student Reviews are based on the experiences of a few individuals and it is unlikely that you will have similar results. Please review the "Data, Student Reviews and Other Information" section in our Terms of Use and Disclaimers.
Allegany College of Maryland (Cumberland)
Associate of Science | Criminology (transfer degree)
Associate of Applied Science | Criminal Justice
Associate of Applied Science | Cybersecurity
Associate of Science | Computer Science: Cybersecurity/Information Systems
Certificate | Criminal Justice/Corrections
Certificate | Cybersecurity
Letter of Recognition Program | Corrections
Letter of Recognition Program | Peace and Conflict Studies
Anne Arundel Community College (Arnold)
Associate of Applied Science | Homeland Security Management
Associate of Applied Science | Homeland Security Management: Transportation and Border Security
Associate of Applied Science | Homeland Security Management: Intelligence Analysis
Associate of Applied Science | Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice
Associate of Applied Science | Cybercrime
Associate of Applied Science | Juvenile Justice
Associate of Applied Science | Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice, Police Academy
Associate of Applied Science | Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice, Social Justice
Associate of Applied Science | Forensic Studies: Forensic Scientist
Associate of Applied Science | Forensic Studies: Forensic Police Science
Associate of Applied Science | Information Assurance and Cybersecurity: Cyber Forensics
Certificate | Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice
Certificate | Cybercrime
Certificate | Intelligence Analysis
Certificate | Cyber Forensics
Certificate | Advanced Cyber Forensics
Certificate | Science Laboratory Management
Letter of Recognition | Law Enforcement Evidence Technician
Student Review: "Anne Arundel Community College is conveniently located just off Ritchie Highway, a major highway where you find all kinds of stores. The University itself does not look appealing. The grass is always brown, the parking lots are hard to find, and the roads are slightly bumpy. However, the buildings are nice and are well placed. The bookstore is convenient a place to get any books, supplies, dorm-items, or food items. They are always well staffed even in the summer. The gymnasium is adequate, as it holds a basketball court and a weight room. You can get from one building to the next in a very short time, so walking from class to class is easy. In general, the people working are very nice, polite, patient people. The professors are dedicated to helping, but sometimes seem unexcited about their jobs. AACC also has a campus next to Arundel Mills Mall. This campus is one building but holds administration offices, classrooms, and testing centers. It is also conveniently located next to one of the largest malls on the east coast. Overall, Anne Arundel Community College is a respectable place to learn, although you could get more quality for your money at a public university. Tuition is about $8500 for in-state students, so financially it may not be the best option. The campuses are well located and convenient, and AACC has decent professors."
Baltimore City Community College (Baltimore)
Associate of Applied Science | Law Enforcement
Associate of Applied Science | Correctional Administration
Associate of Applied Science | Community Policing
Associate of Applied Science | Cyber Security and Assurance
Certificate | Addiction Counseling
Certificate | Cyber Security and Assurance
Carroll Community College (Westminster)
Associate of Applied Science | Law Enforcement
Associate of Applied Science | Cyber Security
Associate of Arts | Criminal Justice
Certificate | Cyber Security
Cecil College (North East)
Associate of Applied Science | Criminal Justice: Corrections
Associate of Applied Science | Criminal Justice: Law Enforcement
Associate of Applied Science | Cyber Security
Certificate | Cyber Security
Chesapeake College (Wye Mills)
Associate of Applied Science | Criminal Justice: Corrections
Associate of Applied Science | Criminal Justice: Crime Scene Technician
Certificate | Law Enforcement
Certificate | Crime Scene Technician
College of Southern Maryland (La Plata)
Associate of Arts | General Studies: Criminal Justice
Associate of Arts | General Studies: Forensic Studies
Associate of Arts | Forensic Studies
Associate of Applied Science | Homeland Security
Associate of Applied Science | CyberSecurity
Certificate | Criminal Justice
Certificate | Alcohol and Drug Counseling
Certificate | CyberSecurity Technology
Certificate | Security Management
Letter of Recognition | Criminal Justice
Letter of Recognition | Security Management
Coppin State University (Baltimore)
Bachelor of Science | Criminal Justice
Master of Science | Criminal Justice
Master of Education | Correctional Education
Minor | Criminal Justice
Post-Baccalaureate Certificate | Policing Strategies
Post-Baccalaureate Certificate | Investigative Sciences
Certificate | Forensic Investigations
Program | Army ROTC
Frostburg State University (Frostburg)
Bachelor Degree | Law and Society: Criminal Justice
Bachelor Degree | Information Technology: Computer Security
Garrett College (McHenry)
Associate of Applied Science | Cybersecurity
Certificate | Cybersecurity
Harford Community College (Bel Air)
Associate of Applied Science | Criminal Justice: Legal Studies
Associate of Applied Science | Information Assurance and Cybersecurity
Associate of Arts | Criminal Justice
Certificate | Information Assurance and Cybersecurity
Montgomery College (Rockville)
Associate of Applied Science | Criminal Justice
Associate of Applied Science | Cybersecurity
Certificate | Cybersecurity
Mount St. Mary's University (Emmitsburg)
Bachelor of Arts | Criminal Justice
Bachelor of Arts | Accelerated Criminal Justice
Bachelor of Arts | Dual Sociology/Criminal Justice
Minor | Conflict, Peace, and Social Justice
Minor | Criminal Justice
Minor | Cyber Security
Program | Military Science: Army ROTC
Prince George's Community College (Largo)
Associate of Applied Science | Criminal Justice
Associate of Applied Science | Criminal Justice: Correctional Services
Associate of Applied Science | Criminal Justice: Police Science
Associate of Applied Science | Criminal Justice: Cybercrime Investigation
Associate of Arts | Criminal Justice (transfer degree)
Associate of Science | Forensic Science
Certificate | Criminal Justice Technology
Certificate | Cybersecurity
Certificate | Cybersecurity Management
Salisbury University (Salisbury)
Bachelor of Arts | Conflict Analysis & Dispute Resolution
Master of Arts | Conflict Analysis & Dispute Resolution
Stevenson University (Stevenson)
Bachelor of Science | Criminal Justice
Master of Science | Forensic Studies
Minor | Criminal Justice
University of Baltimore (Baltimore)
Bachelor of Science | Criminal Justice
Bachelor of Science | Forensic Studies: Forensic Science
Bachelor of Science | Forensic Studies: Police Science
Bachelor of Arts | Jurisprudence
Bachelor of Arts | Community Studies and Civic Engagement
Master of Science | Criminal Justice
Master of Science/Juris Doctor | Criminal Justice (dual degree)
Master of Science | Forensic Science: High Technology Crime
Master of Arts | Global Affairs and Human Security
Master of Public Services | Justice Leadership and Management
Master of Science | Negotiations and Conflict Management
Master of Science/Juris Doctor | Negotiations and Conflict Management (dual degree)
Certificate | Crime Scene Investigation
Certificate | Forensic Document Analysis
Post-Baccalaureate Certificate | Forensic Accounting
University of Maryland Baltimore County (Baltimore)
Master of Professional Studies | Cybersecurity
University of Maryland Eastern Shore (Princess Anne)
Bachelor of Science | Criminal Justice
Master of Science | Criminology & Criminal Justice
Master of Science | Criminal Justice: Criminology and Research
Master of Science | Criminal Justice: Law Enforcement and Courts
Master of Science | Criminal Justice: Corrections and Delinquency Prevention
Minor | Criminal Justice
Student Review: "The University of Maryland Criminal Justice Program was a great experience, overall for me. It covered a wide range of subjects, needed t break into the field, and get a job quickly. The class was a bit fast paced which I believe all the students felt, as many went to the professor for extra help. This resulted in most students not being able to get as much help as they needed since the professor was usually overwhelmed with students having extra questions or needing extra assistance. I found myself relying quite a bit on the textbook, which was not bad, as it was quite up to date and informative. Overall, the professor did a good job, imparting the lessons and making sure everyone was attended to with their needs and help, and I would recommend this course to anyone interested in the field."
Student Review: "The Criminal Justice Doctoral Program at University of Maryland provides graduate students and post-docs with the opportunity to work with experienced and specialized Criminal Justice and Criminologist faculty who are both scholars and practitioners. I have been fortunate enough to work with many renowned and published scholars in the field of Criminal Justice and Public Health. They have been generous with their time, knowledge, and they have been vital in my professional and academic growth and goal achievement. Why attend the University of Maryland? First, you will not find another program with such theoretical, policy analysis, and research methodological diversity. Second, the curriculum allows you to take courses and work with professors from across the University of Maryland. This is an excellent program because you will have the knowledge of every professor in the city at your disposal. Finally, the program is located near Washington DC, where you will be exposed to internship opportunities with the Federal Government and Counter-Terrorism Research."
Wor-Wic Community College (Salisbury)
Associate of Applied Science | Criminal Justice: Corrections
Associate of Applied Science | Criminal Justice: Forensic Science
Associate of Applied Science | Criminal Justice: Law Enforcement
Associate of Applied Science | Criminal Justice: Corrections
Associate of Applied Science | Chemical Dependency Counseling
Certificate of Proficiency | Chemical Dependency Counseling
Certificate of Proficiency | Forensic Science
Certificate of Proficiency | Investigative Forensics
Certificate of Proficiency | Law Enforcement
Certificate of Proficiency | Law Enforcement Technology
Diploma | Police/Corrections Academy
Letter of Recognition | Correctional Technician
1. National Center for Education Statistics:
2. Kiplinger's Best Values in Public Colleges:
3. College Factual Best Criminal Justice & Corrections Colleges:
4. US News Best Online Graduate Criminal Justice Programs:
5. Baltimore Police Department:
6. Maryland State Police:
7. US Bureau of Labor Statistics, May 2015 Occupational Employment and Wages, Protective Service Occupations (Major Group):
8. US Bureau of Labor Statistics, May 2015 Occupational Employment and Wages, Correctional Officers and Jailers
9. US Bureau of Labor Statistics, May 2015 Occupational Employment and Wages, First-Line Supervisors of Police and Detectives:
10. US Bureau of Labor Statistics, May 2015 Occupational Employment and Wages, Detectives and Criminal Investigators:
11. US Bureau of Labor Statistics, May 2015 Occupational Employment and Wages, Police and Sheriff's Patrol Officers:
12. Y Charts 10 Year Unemployment Chart:
13. Projections Central Long Term Occupational Projections:
14. O*Net OnLine, Police Patrol Officers:
15. O*Net OnLine, Correctional Officers and Jailers:
16. O*Net OnLine, Police Detectives:
17. O*Net OnLine, Security Guards:
18. O*Net OnLine, Paralegals and Legal Assistants:
19. Mercatus Center, George Mason University, Ranking the States by Fiscal Condition 2016 Edition:
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